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ARTICLES: A, AN, THE, or no article. / The Easy English Club

 Hello guys! Today we're going to see a super easy topic that I love. Let's practice the a, an, the or no article. A  is used in front of singular countable nouns (a person, animal, or thing) which are not specific.  -If a noun starts with a consonant (b,c,d,f,g,j, etc.) we put A. Example: Could you borrow me a  pen? An is used in front of singular countable nouns which are specific.  -If the noun starts with a vowel (a,e, i,o,u) we put the an. Example: Can I have an apple? We can use the  in front of all nouns (it doesn't matter whether the nouns are singular, plural, countable, or no countable) to describe something specific or unique. Examples: It looks so beautiful in  the sky today! We use no articles when we talk about things in general. Example: Bananas are sweeter than apples. No the, an, or a. Just the subject itself. Well, I hope you like it! I took time to do a Google Form so you can study this topic. Hope you like it! Don'

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